The Beast from the East

Laura walking on snow-covered street at midnight
Laura playing “The Walking Dead”

Last month, the Beast from the East storm hit Cork pretty hard.

People started panic-buying bread, food stocks were running low everywhere, and at the high of the crisis, street dealers started selling bread at 10 euro per slice. It was a great time for memes!

This was the first time Laura and I had seen “proper snow”, so we bundle up and went for a midnight walk around our neighbourhood to snap some pics.

The Cinnamon Cottage
The Cinnamon Cottage in Rochestown, Cork — our local bakery

The Cinnamon Cottage looked absolutely fantastic covered in snow! It was a shame (but understandable) that it was closed during the storm — they have some lovely freshly baked breads, sandwiches, and all sorts of comfort food that would pair well with this cold — or any weather really, I highly recommended you pay them a visit if you’re around these parts.

Laura next to trees covered in snow
The park across the street

It’s crazy how much of a difference a little bit of snow makes to the scenery, it feels like a completely difference place. Needless to say, Laura was like a kid on Christmas.

Laura holding a snowball and smiling
Laura in front of stone wall covered in snow

Below two pictures taken from our living room on the next day: one overlooking Lough Mahon’s estuary (how good is this apartment’s view!?) and one of our balcony — you wouldn’t want to be sitting in that chair!

View from an apartment window, over an estuary covered in snow
Apartment balcony with chairs and table covered in snow

So far this has been the most snow we’ve seen in Ireland, and now we are hoping we get more — aaaaand also hoping the country is better prepared next time it happens, because Ireland pretty much closed down for the week.